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Celebrating MDI Bio Lab’s 125 years with hands-on science!

Every summer we open our seaside campus in Bar Harbor to the public for Family Science Night. Learners of all ages are invited for fun, hands-on science with our research leaders and their summer students.

And this year we’re also celebrating the non-profit MDI Bio Lab’s 125th Anniversary. Join us on Wednesday, July 12, from 4 to 6 pm as we mark more than a century of collaboration and innovation that aims to improve human health. (There will be ice cream.) Register here.

The participatory events are hosted by our international team of scientists and their summer undergraduate students. We host dozens of these college students, who spend up to 10 weeks embedded with our research groups.

They gain laboratory bench skills and participate in research projects. They work with unusual animal models for human health — fish, worms and salamanders — to study aging and regeneration. And the student fellows learn how to use state-of-the-art tools, such as gene editing, 3-D microscopy, and Big Data analysis.

The students will present more than a dozen activities and exhibits on Family Science Night,  showcasing their new skills for learners of all levels, from grandkids to grandparents. Bring your friends and family and have a blast with a variety of hands-on science activities!